Friday, 5 October 2012

Design and Construct Secure Underground Shelters for Your Family - NWSS

Northwest shelter systems (NWSS) are one of the oldest & largest secure construction development firms in North America, since 1990. We are specializing in secure underground bunker and shelter design & development with quality aspects.
Why choose Northwest Shelter Systems?

Are you worried about natural disasters & nuclear war? And dreaming about complete family protected shelter. Northwest shelter systems fulfill your requirement. We are specialized in nuclear bomb blast radiation protected bunkers and shelters design and construction.

Building secure undergroundbunkers is not easy task; because we understand the basic needs and necessities of natural disasters, weather & environment of each place, flood condition, earth plate’s condition and earth quack effect on the place. We create quality Underground shelter to keep your family safe, secure and feel protected in natural disasters like tornadoes, flood condition and earth quake.

Before building underground survival shelters we gather specific information like how many persons will stay in bunkers for approximate days or will spend time in that place with this assumption we give best solution. As per our construction, quality materials like concrete and strongest metal rods & bars, Lunor blast resistant doors, hatches and NBC / CBRN filtration systems, with the help of above materials we use to built perfect nuclear radiation poisoning free & blast protected shelter as per requirement.
Underground Bunkers Plan
Underground Bunker Plan

Also we provide unique construction & design plan with 100% assurance to protect your secrets and keeping your information confidential. Our underground bunkers look and serve much like modern interior design room, and we provide unparalleled strength to withstand natural disaster, earthquake, flood, and tornado or nuclear blast.
If you require more detail information visit at or you can even call us on (208)263-6027. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, we will be happy to assist you further.


  1. I have a wonderful shelter, which is my family. I have a wonderful relationship with my brother and sister; this makes me feel that I know always where I belong. See the link below for more info.

